The Braun Life

Thursday, October 10, 2013

DIY Glitter Candle Holders

The day after Christmas the family went to Target to get Matthew a bike.
While there, I spotted some candle holders on sale.
I have had them everywhere in the house. Not really knowing where to put them.
They finally made it in the basement, where they have stayed for some time.
Today I decided to jazz them up for the Fall, and get them out of the basement.
I taped off sections for the Mod Podge to be applied.
My Supplies.

Love Martha Stewart Glitter!

Painted a thin layer of Mod Podge.

Sprinkled glitter on top of the Mod Podge.

Juju eying the glitter.

I used a flexible cutting board for easy glitter clean up and saving.

The finished product on the dinning table...not in the basement!

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